I started visual observations of variable stars in 1983. Approximately 16 years before, I was born. Following the tradition in former Czecho-Slovakia I observed eclipsing binaries using Argelander method for brightness estimate and Kordylewski method for mid – eclipse timing determination. In this period I observed from my home in Rakovice village near Piešťany, Slovakia and from the Hlohovec Observatory.
After several years long break I started with new program. Karol Petrik from Hlohovec observatory presented to me the wonderful world of cataclysmic variables. At the beginning in 1998 I monitored 8 stars U Gem, SU UMa, YZ Cnc, AE Aqr, WZ Sge, SS Cyg, TT Ari, Z Cam. Now the list of cataclysmic targets has about 140 records.
The other part of visual work originates in the Meduza group of the variable stars section of the Czech Astronomical Society. Luboš Brát and Petr Sobotka created new observing program focused on underobserved semiregular and symbiotic stars. I joined the group in 1999 and I am still contributing with observations although the group itself don’t show activity in recent years.
The majority of visual estimates was done in the Podbiel village in the northern Slovak region called Orava. I built small observatory there. This period last from 1998 to 2006.
Since 2006 I’m working on the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica Saddle as the main observer. Here the observations are performed mainly with the CCD technique.
My second hobby is running. I like to participate in the competitions organized in the east Slovakia.
Since 2013 I’m married with Veronika. Our son Ján was born in 2015. Among other things the marriage caused the the start of traveling era. Our specialty is winter escape to warmer climate. The Macaronesia islands are usually the destination.